About us
The Bharioke Lab is situated in historic, downtown Charleston, at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC). We're ensconced with the other circuits and systems neurosciences groups making up the Department of Neuroscience.
Our address is:
Darby Children's Research Institute
Rm 304 (Lab) and Rm 307 (Office)
173 Ashley Avenue, Charleston, SC
29425 USA
Opportunities in the lab
If you are interested in science at the intersection of development and cognition, or at the intersection of experiment and theory, we're looking for you. Alternatively, if you have your own novel question that you feel might need our tools to answer, or are simply bugged by an overgeneralization in the textbook, send me an email. ​​​​​
The Bharioke Lab always has our doors open to passionate young researchers, at all levels. Interested postdocs, prospective graduate students, potential postbacs, and curious undergrads should contact Arjun directly (bharioke@musc.edu).
Graduate Students
​​Students who wish to join the MUSC research community are highly encouraged to reach out to Arjun, before applying to the Biomedical Sciences graduate program (for more information, click here). Current graduate students at MUSC should reach out (either by email, or by knocking on my door) to discuss possible rotations.​​
Candidates with an excellent record of research achievements and expertise in either two-photon imaging or computational neuroscience are especially encouraged to apply. However, what matters most is curiosity and interest, so please feel free to contact me if you find our questions interesting, even if you may not have the requisite prior expertise. Please email me a brief introduction, CV, and the names of three references.